Invited Talk. (Club Good.) “Testing for Disparate Impact in Statistical Models.” USAA Financial Services. 4 June 2024. This presentation reviews the current state legislative policies that address testing statistical models for unfair discrimination in the insurance industry. Because it is legally prohibited to collect self-identify of race from customers, executing the test requires inference. The presentation demonstrates a conceptual explanation of ecological inference before showing the analytical solution to infer race from customer name and location. Topics: Ecological Inference, Model Ethics, Bayesian Improved Surname Geocoding, Disparate Impact, and Unfair Discrimination.

Invited Talk. (Club Good.) “Responsible Market Application of Artificial Intelligence.” USAA Financial Services. 13 December 2022. This presentation addresses the current solutions to reduce adverse consequences from the market application of Artificial Intelligence. Topics: Experimental Research, Enforcement Mechanisms, External Audits, Bias Detection, and AI Interrogation.

Invited Talk. (Club Good.) “Introduction to R Markdown.” USAA Financial Services. 9 March 2021. This presentation explains the market value in reproducible and accessible analytical processes and introduces R Markdown as an effective tool to achieve that standard.

Invited Talk. (Club Good.) “Building a Better Business Case.” USAA Financial Services. 1 December 2020 & 18 February 2021. This presentation introduces a framework for executing project contributions that impact business operations.

Invited Talk. “Political Competency in Word Choice.” University of Manheim. 19 November 2018. Click here for presentation.

Invited Talk. “Institutional Obstacles to Viable Competition.” Boise State University. 13 April 2018. Click here for presentation.

Radio interview at Boise Public Radio (FM 93.5), “The Big Tent: Public Affairs”, 16:00-16:30. 12 April 2018. Click here for interview.

Invited Lecture. “Presidentialism in Latin America.” University of Mannheim. 20 March 2018. Click here for presentation.

Invited Talk. “Institutional Obstacles to Viable Competition: Distinct Informational Cues in Bolivian Legislative Speech.” University of Vienna. Department Seminar. 22 May 2017.

Invited Talk. “Resist to Commit: Concrete Campaign Commitments and the Need to Clarify a Partisan Reputation.” Workshop: Quantitative Text Analysis in Manifesto Research. Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin fur Sozialforschung. Berlin, Germany. 29 July 2016. Click here for presentation.

Workshop Organizer. Making Democracy Work in Latin America. University of Mannheim. 20 June 2016. Click here for workshop webpage.

Guest Instructor. 23 May 2016. Institudo de Educación Secundaria–Virgen de la Calle. Palencia, Spain. Presentation on higher education to Spanish students.

Invited Talk. “Tools in Text Analysis for the Study of Political Representation.” Sonderforschungsbereiche (SFB) 884 Seminar Series at University of Mannheim. Mannheim, Germany. 4 May 2015. Click here for presentation.

Invited Talk. “Notes on the Review Process and Common Voids in Manuscripts During my AJPS Experience.” CDSS Workshop at University of Mannheim. Mannheim, Germany. 22 October 2014. Click here for presentation.

Invited Talk. “Issue Inclusion in Coalition Agreements.” Coalition Politics at University of Mannheim. Germany, 15 October 2014. Click here for presentation.

Faculty Moderator for the Gender Studies Symposium at Lewis & Clark College. 7 March 2014. Click here for schedule.

Faculty Advisor to UN Ambassador Christian Wenaweser’s guest lectures at Lewis & Clark College. Fall 2013. Click here for event advertisement.

Contributor. The Monkey Cage. “Party Nationalization After the 2013 Ecuadorian Legislative and Presidential Election (with John Polga-Hecimovich).” 14 March 2013. Click here for post.

Invited Talk. “Party Nationalization Trends After the 2013 Ecuador Election.” Introduction to Latin American Politics at University of Kentucky. Lexington, Kentucky. 7 March 2013. Click here for presentation.

Data Consultant. Texas Legislative Council. Generated data on Majority-Minority districts for Texas Congressional Redistricting under Section 5 of the US Voting Rights Act. January 2013.

Invited Lecture. “Diseño de la investigación (Research Design).” Thesis Workshop at the Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales (Latin American School of Social Sciences). Quito, Ecuador. 7 April 2011.

Invited Lecture. “Fieldwork in Latin America.” Introduction to Comparative Politics at University of Notre Dame. South Bend, Indiana. 16 September 2010.